
Showing posts from March, 2019


  EXCITEMENT AND GRATIFICATION MUST NOT BE SUPPRESSED The gratification of need and desires produces the brain chemical Dopamine. Drugs can produce Dopamine and some can catalyze Dopamine's effects. Excitement and achievement can also produce Dopamine. Dopamine is not just a pleasure sensing brain chemical. Dopamine influences motivation as well. Without Dopamine there is less drive, creativity, energy and enthusiasm to live. Excitement and sexual pleasure are drug free ways to boost Dopamine production. Food and drugs in excess will have debilitating side effects. I personally have found that many activities, from Rollerblading to playing Musical Instruments and especially performing Live, produced the pleasurable and useful and motivating effects which studies attribute to Dopamine. THROUGHOUT MY LIFE I HAVE SEEN THE SUPPRESSION  OF EXCITEMENT AND GRATIFICATION INCREASE IN SEVERITY. I EVEN ENCOUNTERED INTERFERENCE AND RESENTMENT OF MY MUSICAL ADVENTURING A